Friday, 8 July 2011

04/07/2011 Glencoe and utter failure

Climbed out of bed and that was about the biggest success of the day.

To explain, we had just returned from a short family holiday to London to visit relatives and generally get out the house. Anyway, one thing led to another and my youngest child became infected with whatever that girl in the Exorcist had. I'm sure he produced more than his own body weight. Mrs H and I believed we had avoided it but no, it was not pretty but he's all better now and back to mischief.

The forecast was good so I thought, "I'm feeling better, go bag a hill". I've had a notion to do Bidean nam Bian from Stob Coire nam Beith for a while following an unsuccessful winter climbing expedition to No. 4 buttress. (450 meters of Grade II, I'll be back)

The drive up was pleasant in the beautiful sunshine. I managed a few sneaky peeks at the scene of previous adventures on BEM. NE buttress still looks steep!!!

From the almost deserted car park near the Clachaig turn off, I toiled up the path sweating and feeling sick, stopping every couple of minutes until the feeling passed, then pressing on again. 50% of me wished I'd stopped for food at the Green Welly 50% was glad I hadn't. The original plan had been Dinnertime Buttress and on to SCnL, Bidean, SCnB and back to the car. Normally that would be a reasonable day out. I think I was a wee bit over ambitious.....

Reality set in,The Plan got ditched, and I thought I just go up and take a look at the cliffs on SCnB.

Didn't even manage that.

Stob Coire nam Beith looks mighty impressive as you approach through a small gorge. I could pick out Deep Cut chimney, No. 4 buttress and Summit Gully but I had no stamina, felt weak and thought, "no, go home". so I did.

And the final kick in the stanes - MLT has been cancelled again!

You win some, you lose some.

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